Creating Audio-Reactive VJ Visuals in TouchDesigner

Unleash the power of TouchDesigner VJ Software to create captivating audio-reactive visuals that respond to various audio sources. Whether it's audio files, microphones, external devices, or internal audio (stereo mix), this video tutorial will guide you in generating stunning audio-reactive VJ visuals specifically designed for Resolume VJ software. Expand your skills further by discovering how to seamlessly integrate Resolume and TouchDesigner for enhanced visual performances.

'Cloner Object' for VJing in TouchDesigner

With TouchDesigner, unleash your creativity using procedural workflows to create cloners reminiscent of those in Cinema 4D. The best part? Say goodbye to time-consuming rendering for these VJ visuals. Simply set the object to be cloned, a template, and a Geometry COMP (the cloner itself). The versatility shines as you can use anything as a template, from geometries to particles. Dive into the efficient workflow by watching the concise video tutorial below.

While TouchDesigner offers the Copy SOP, it may not be the ideal choice for handling numerous copies or clones. However, fear not! Explore alternative options to achieve optimal results. For more in-depth information and insights, we recommend visiting the following links, where you'll find valuable details and resources to enhance your understanding and mastery of the cloner techniques in TouchDesigner.

Audio Spectrum and Audio-Reactive VJ Visuals in TouchDesigner

The Audio Spectrum node in TouchDesigner converts audio signals from the time domain to the frequency domain (FFT). This allows for a more comprehensible and practical representation of the audio, focusing on the audible frequency range of 20-20000 Hz.

To make visuals react to specific frequency ranges, utilize tools such as the Audio Band EQ, Audio Filter, or Audio Para EQ nodes. Place these nodes between your Audio In and Spectrum nodes to shape the audio frequencies and tailor the visual response accordingly.

For boosting low-frequency elements like kick drums and bass lines, enhance frequencies starting from 63 Hz. Conversely, to emphasize high-frequency sounds such as lead melodies and hi-hat, focus on increasing values below 8000 Hz.

For further understanding, check out the following links: